Class registration

Class can be registered in the pool (registry) in multiple ways. It’s allowed to register different classes in the same pool using different methods. Below, base use cases for all four methods are discussed. For more details check Advanced Topics.

register() method

This method allows to register class in the pool on demand. You need only pool instance and class, mechanism is very similar to the way how admin pages are registered in Django Admin Panel, but even you are not familiar with Django snippet below is self explainable.

>>> from class_pool import Pool
>>> pool = Pool()
>>> class FooClass:
>>>     pass
>>> pool.register(FooClass)

That’s all! Now, FooClass is registered in the global Pool.


All pool instances shares common state, so each pool class can be considered as singleton.

By default class identifier is generated from class name, so now you can get class from the pool using following call:

>>> pool.get('FooClass')

More advanced examples can be found at register() decorator.

See Getting registered class for more information about accessing classes in the pool.

register() decorator

register() method can be also used as a class level decorator. If class definition and registration in the pool are done at the same module it’s much easier and readable to use the decorator.

>>> from class_pool import Pool
>>> pool = Pool()
>>> # Note: all pool instances created from the same class shares common
>>> # registry (see Singleton pattern chapter for more details)
>>> @pool.register
>>> class FooClass:

More advanced examples can be found at register() decorator.


Many times there is a need to register all classes which derives from one base class. For example core project has implemented base plugins class which can be used by 3rd parties to build community plugins. It’ll be great if all plugins can be registered automatically without explicit register() method call. Using pool’s metaclass it’s possible to register all classes created by this metaclass automatically. Let’s go through next example:

>>> # somewhere in core project...
>>> from class_pool import Pool
>>> pool = Pool()
>>> class BasePlugin(metaclass=pool.metaclass()):
>>>     pass
>>> # and 3rd party code
>>> class FooPlugin(BasePlugin):
>>>     pass

Firstly we need to specify metaclass for our example BasePlugin class. To do that we are using metaclass() method from the pool. This method produce and return a metaclass connected with the pool. Don’t worry! Metaclasses are cached locally, so this method is doing the job only once per pool class (in this case Pool).


All pool instances shares common state, so each pool class can be considered as singleton.

Now, all classes which derives from BasePlugin will be automatically registered. By default base class is not registered. If you need to register it, set register_base argument in metaclass method to True:

>>> class BasePluginAlsoRegistered(metaclass=pool.metaclass(register_base=True)):
>>>     pass

More information about pool’s metaclass usage can be found in Auto-registration by metaclass.

Modules scanning

All registration ways shown above has one disadvantage. Registration is done when Python executes module where class is declared. In many cases that’s enough, but sometimes it will be great if all classes can be registered with doing explicit imports somewhere only to register them. To solve this problem, pools comes with simple packages scanning mechanism based on Django’s models scanning mechanism. By creating new pool programmer can define name of module which holds classes to register. Later, pool can be instantiated once and list of packages can be passed to perform automatic imports and registration.

>>> pool =, module_lookup='plugins')
>>> pool.populate([
>>>     'package_foo',
>>>     'package_bar'
>>> ])

Following example creates Custom pool which has auto-registration enabled by defining module_lookup attribute. When populate() method is called, each package is imported and checked if contains given module, if so all members are retrieved and tried to be registered in the pool.


To get know how to filter classes which can be registered in the pool see Filter classes to register.

Getting registered class

Classes in the pool can be accessed by __getitem__ operator which raises KeyError exception if requested class does not exist:

>>> cls = pool['FooClass']
>>> # will raise KeyError exception if FooClass is not registered

To make safe retrieval use get() method, which in opposite to standard get() in dictionaries does not take default argument but returns default class specified in the pool. If pool does not have default class, None is returned. Pool class has no default set, but you can create Custom pool to define default class. get() method never raises KeyError exception.

>>> cls = pool.get('FooClass')
>>> # will return None if FooClass is not registered and there is no
>>> # default class set in the pool

To determine if given identifier is registered in the pool use __contains__ operator:

>>> if 'FooClass' in pool:
>>>     # do something...

Iterating over the pool

Pools are iterable and returns tuples of two elements, where first one is an ID, second one is class. Internal class registry represented as a regular Python dictionary can be accessed by classes property, but you should never make any changes in this object.

Deprecated since version 0.5: classes property is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.

Default class

Sometimes pool has a set of classes which specialises some operations, but in general one common class can be defined for all standard cases. To avoid registering same class multiple times using different IDs to cover all cases Pool allows to define default class which is returned every time when class of requested ID does not exist in the pool.


Default class is working only with get() method. __getitem___ operator raises KeyError even if default class is defined!

Because all pool instances shares common state, we need to create Custom pool class which derives from Pool. Pools come with a new() helper function which allows to create custom pools with common customizations without declaring new classes explicitly.

>>> from class_pool import Pool
>>> class DefaultClass:
>>>     pass
>>> pool =, default=DefaultClass)
>>> pool.get('NotExistingClass')
>>> # returns DefaultClass


new() helper returns already instance of the custom pool, not class. Each new() method call creates new custom pool which does not shares common state each other. If you need Singleton pattern behaviour you have to define custom class pool explicitly. See Custom pool for more details.

Custom pool

To create more pools or make some common customizations declaring custom pools is needed. Because all pool instances shares common state, creating new instance of Pool class does not create new pool. This is indeed behaviour explained in more details in Singleton pattern.

The simplest way to create custom pool is using new() helper as in Default class example. This way allows to create pools fast, but is limited. new() returns pool instance of dynamically created class which is not accessible anymore. The instance needs to be passed to all places where is needed. It’s not possible to get the same custom pool instance again using new() helper.

More complex and powerful way to declare custom pools is subclassing the Pool class. It allows to customize not only basics but also more advanced options including class filtering described in Filter classes to register.

new() helper

The new() helper creates dynamically custom pool class and returns its instance. There is only one mandatory argument which is a base_class. Pool will allow to register only classes which are subclasses of given base. Usually it will be object but you can pass any Python class as a base.

There is also couple of optional arguments:

  • module_lookup which allows to specify module which should be scanned when populate() method is called. See Modules scanning for more details.

  • default which allows to specify default class which should be returned if class of requested ID is not registered. See Default class for more details.

  • abstract to filter abstract classes. By default this value is False which means that abstract classes cannot be registered in the pool. To allows abstract classes registration set this to True. See Filter classes to register for more details.


    In default Pool implementation class abstraction is determined using isabstract() method from inspect module.

Pool subclasses

By subclassing the Pool class it’s possible to customize any pool behaviour. It’s advanced topic and usually you don’t need to override pool methods. However, sometimes it’s needed to make reusable pool which can be instantiated many times to take power of Singleton pattern. Fortunately, custom pools creation by subclassing as simple as creating a subclass in Python.

>>> from class_pool import Pool
>>> class AwesomePool(Pool):
>>>     abstract = True

In the example above, new AwesomePool is declared which allows to hold abstract classes. All arguments described in new() helper are applicable in subclass customization as attributes.


In opposite to new() helper it’s not needed to define base_class in custom subclasses. It’s already set to object.

Remember, all instances of particular custom pool shares the same state, but multiple custom pool classes does not shares state between each other and/or global Pool class. Common state is shared only between instances of exactly the same class. Singleton pattern covers this topic in more details.

Django support


Following features are available only if Django is installed.

Model field

To add field which allows to select class from given pool use PoolChoiceField from class_pool.db module. This field extends standard CharField and dynamically build choices by iterating the pool.


Because PoolChoiceField builds list of choices in __init__() method, so pool has to be fully populated before field is created (which means before Django imports models). See Django AppConfig documentation to get know how django loads applications and models.

Usually importing module with classes to be registered in file is a good place.

>>> from django.db import models
>>> from class_pool.db import PoolChoiceField
>>> from myapp.pool import plugins_pool
>>> class CustomModel(models.Model):
>>>     plugin = PoolChoiceField(pool=plugins_pool)

PoolChoiceField requires only one mandatory argument pool which takes pool instance or path to pool instance to be imported lazily. It a good practice to pass pool always as a path to avoid circular imports. Remember! Choice field takes always an instance of pool not a class!

>>> plugin = PoolChoiceField(pool='myapp.pool.plugins_pool')
>>> # ... and in myapp.pool module:
>>> from class_pool import Pool
>>> plugins_pool = Pool()


By default PoolChoiceField works with IDs not longer than 40 chars. If you have longer IDs you must set max_length appropriately.

Django migrations are supported.

Form field

Currently there is no specialised field for Django forms, but if you need to play with model forms PoolChoiceField should be mapped in the same way as regular Django CharField with choices attribute defined.

Django REST Framework support


Following features are available onl if Django REST Framework is installed.

Serializer field

Using PoolChoiceField from class_pool.drf it’s possible to declare serializer field which allows to select one of class identifier from given pool. Field behaviour is very similar to Model field and the only difference is that serializer field extends DRF ChoiceField. There is also only one mandatory argument pool which accepts pool instance or path to it. Like model field, serializer field also imports pool lazily if path is provided instead of pool instance.


Because PoolChoiceField builds list of choices in __init__() method, so pool has to be fully populated before field is created. Make sure that all modules with classes to be registered are imported before serializer is imported.

>>> from django_rest_framework import serializers
>>> from class_pool.drf import PoolChoiceField
>>> class CustomSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
>>>     plugin = PoolChoiceField(pool='myapp.pool.plugins_pool')


Sometimes serializer (or embedded serializer) structure depends on type-like field. Let’s analyse JSON below which represents a subset of available unit definitions in a game. abilities field structure depends on type field value.

  "type": "soldier",
  "hp": 100,
  "abilities": {
    "attack": 10,
    "kind": "sword"
}, {
  "type": "worker",
  "hp": 50,
  "abilities": {
    "mining": 5

Of course there could be one serializer for abilities field which contains all possible subfields for all types but this approach won’t work if not all units have the same abilities. Usually this limitation is workaround by converting abilities object to a list which has a name, value pairs, for instance:

"abilities": [
        "name": "attack",
        "value": 10,
    }, {
        "name": "kind",
        "value": "sword"

This approach allows to validate list of abilities depending on type field in quite generic field but in many cases it’s over-engineered approach which increases serializes logic complexity and decrease API readability.

To solve such cases, pool_class library provides two serializers which dynamically validate given data using serializer taken from a pool and pointed by type-like field.:

  • TypedSerializer, for cases when type field is at the same level as dynamic object

      "type": "foo",
      "dynamic": {
        ... structure depends on type field value ...
  • PoolSerializer, when type field is a part of dynamic object

      "type": "foo",
      ... the rest of fields depends on type field value ...


>>> from class_pool.drf import TypedSerializer
>>> class UnitSerializer(serializers.Serializer):
>>>     type = serializers.ChoiceField()      # or PoolChoiceField
>>>     name = serializers.CharField()
>>>     abilities = TypedSerializer(pool='pool.abilities_serializer')
>>> # { // UnitSerializer
>>> #   "type": "",
>>> #   "name": "",
>>> #   "abilities": {  // TypedSerializer for abilities field,
>>> #                      which structure depends on type field value
>>> #      ...
>>> #   }
>>> # }

When DRF is going to serialize or validate abilities field, TypedSerializer is getting value from type field and using it to get serializer class from pool.abilities_serializer pool using get() method. If there is matching serializer class, it’s instantiated and used to serialize abilities field data.

TypedSerializer takes one mandatory argument pool which has to be a pool instance or path to it. Optional type_field can be used to specify custom name of type field. By default the name is set to type.

>>> unit = serializer.ChoiceField()
>>> abilities = TypedSerializer(pool='pool.abilities_serializer', type_name='unit')


>>> from class_pool.drf import PoolSerializer
>>> class UnitSerializer(PoolSerializer):
>>>     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>>>         super().__init__(pool='pool.abilities_pool', *args, **kwargs)
>>> # { // UnitSerializer with structure depends on type field
>>> #   "type": "",
>>> #   ...
>>> # }


>>> from class_pool.drf import PoolSerializer
>>> class UnitWrapper(serializers.Serializer):
>>>     unit = PoolSerializer(pool='pool.units_pool')
>>> # {     // UnitWrapper serializer
>>> #   "unit": {   // PoolSerializer which structure depends on type field value
>>> #     "type": "",
>>> #     ...
>>> #   }
>>> # }

When DRF is going to serialize or validate PoolSerializer it’s getting type field value from given object and then serializer class from pool.abilities_serializer pool using get() method. If there is matching serializer class, it’s instantiated and used to process the data.

PoolSerializer takes one mandatory argument pool which has to be a pool instance or path to it. Currently type field name is hardcoded to type and it’s not possible to customize it.

PoolSerializer works also with lists:

>>> class EmbarkedUnits(serializers.Serializer):
>>>     units = PoolSerializer(pool='pool.units_pool', many=True)
>>> # {     // EmbarkedUnits serializer
>>> #   "units": [{   // PoolSerializer which structure depends on type field value
>>> #     "type": "",
>>> #     ...
>>> #   }, {
>>> #     "type": "",
>>> #     ...
>>> #   }
>>> # }